0 +*Settings=1,*ASCQIConnector=20 1 +*name=2,*version=3,*date=4 2 ASCQIConnectorRes.dll 3 1.0 4 11-19-99 20 +*min=21,*max=22,*languages=23,*version=24,*name=25,*offset=26 21 14001 22 15000 23 +*[english=21] 24 1.0 25 ASCQIConnector.dll 26 0 14001 ClearQuest integration 14201 An internal error has occured 14202 An unknown error has occured 14203 The component has been asked to unload, it is not operant anymore 14204 The component couldn't connect to the ClearQuest Integration 14205 The argument eMsg has an invalid value 14206 The argument oValue is nothing 14207 The argument oValue is not of type Reqpro40.AttrValue